Walking away is not an option... dialogue must prevail.

"A good listener tries to understand what the other person is saying. In the end he may disagree sharply, but because he disagrees, he wants to know exactly what it is he is disagreeing with."
- Kenneth A. Wells

"I do not want the peace that passeth understanding. I want the understanding which bringeth peace."
- Helen Keller

Friday, November 14, 2008

They got me...

Disclaimer: if this post makes no sense I blame the confused red germ.

Ugh! I hope the purple one got me because that blue one looks just plain mean and prickly. The red one looks so confused it might get lost and end up somewhere germs aren't supposed to go and stick around, like my big toe. And the green one.... well, it's green and that's cruel. Nuff said.

On the positive side, Sharkdog does not have tuna butt and Chicklet is well on her way to being healthy.
Oh.. and there's jello in the fridge... except that the fridge is downstairs and I'M not.

Right, so Dumdum seems to be getting his own health issue as well. He's been shaking that big empty head of his a lot and I suspect something's amiss with his ear. So last night, I decided to put a little doggie ear cleaner in there. He comes easily enough until he notices the bottle in my hand, doggie instinct kicks in and he runs off in the other direction (he can't get far, the house isn't that big). Well... all my years of schooling in psychology are put to the test. How easy is it to fool this dog? I just squeal and run in the opposite direction. It was a lot like grammar school when you'd either run away and play coy or smack the boy you liked on the head. Mission accomplished. He was as confused as the red germ.

It's the little victories that make life meaningful, you know? HOOOOOOOORAH!

Last night we watched the elimination show for SYTYCD Canada and I think Canada got this one wrong. We had to say goodbye to Kaitlin and Danny. Although I haven't been a fan of Kaitlin's throughout the season so far, I've never had a bad thing to say about her dancing (she did fall a bit flat this week mind you). I just think she was a victim of youth and inexperience. What really has my underwear in a twist (I, unlike Jeremy - Jen's hubby from Steenky Bee- who likes to go commando and came out of the closet, was wearing underwear yesterday) is that Danny was "voted off" in favour of lesser dancers (IMHO).
This guy has some of the best partnering abilities I've seen on a dance show and I just hope Chicklet and I will be able to get tickets to see him during the SYTYCD Canada tour.

Ah crap! It just dawned on me... Kaitlin was WEARING THE RED GERM! Yup... confused. My point exactly.

I feel lightheaded now... back to bed.

MixwitMixwit make a mixtapeMixwit mixtapes

Need I say more?


Dana said...

I think the green germie is kind of cute, but I do hope whichever one is visiting leaves soon!

Take care of you!!

Fortune Cookies said...

fuzzy wuzzy and cute as mr. germie may be, i hope he vacates your premises promptly so you can quickly be on the mend!

Anndi said...

Dana: Germs are sneaky that way... thanks!

Fortune cookies: Since purple germie looks slippery I'm hoping he just slides on through, I really am concerned about the red one though. I'd give you a thank you hug but I like you too much to send the germies to your abode.

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon.

Mike Golch said...

I hope you get well soon.Hugs and His blessings. that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Charles Gramlich said...

Ahh, you mean you wouldn't wear that green gown? but it's so purty.

Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Congrats on tricking your dog. Don't you feel like a intellectual bully now? Lol. Just kidding.

Anndi said...

Kate: Thanks... me too!

Mike: You're a brave man hugging a germ-filled blogger. Thank you.

Charles: Yeah right! If you wear a matching tux. How 'bout that!
I'll live... I think. It's those small victories that give me the will to make it through another day.

Brian o vretanos said...

Oh dear. I bet whichever one it was that got you has invited it's friends round too. Still, they reckon that your immune system can cope with thousands of different ones at once, so I hope they're evicted soon.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Feel better....I hate those germies...

Bud Fisher said...

You and those germs. What a riot. Glad Chicklet is better. Hope her mommy is soon as well...

Ed & Jeanne said...

You mean that's why I got smacked in the head as a kid?

Anndi said...

Brian: You mean more are coming? Save me!!!

Bond: I'm trying. Thanks.

Bud: I'm glad she's better too... maybe she can make ME some jello. Just not green jello...

Ve: Will me saying yes save you years of therapy?

Karen said...

Feel better soon!

steenky bee said...

Sorry about the germs. I have/had them too as you well know. Also, didn't I read somewhere that you mocked the Grease II again? No, no. Thou shall not mock the T-Birds!

Anndi said...

Karen: Thanks doll!

Steenky: I... um... no, I'd never! You imagined that, it must have been your weakened state (or because of those gawd awful chewy green shakes of yours). Hope you're feeling better.

Jay said...

I too find it strangely satisfying when I outsmart a dog. ;-)

Feel better!

Travis Cody said...

And those are just the germs we know about. Hmmmmm.

Feel better soon.

Lu' said...

GERMS BE GONE!@#$#@. There that should take care of everything. You will be feeling better in no time.

Ron said...


....I can't decide which would be worse...

...being sick....

...or having to wear that GREEN DRESS.

Ok...I have to leave now...I'm suddenly feeling faint....


Anndi said...

Jay: It's a small victory, but I'll take any victory I can get. ;)

Travis: GULP! Do you think the other ones look as mean as the blue one?

Lu: If that works, I'm building a shrine to you.

Ron: It's easier to take the dress off and burn it... but if you have to wear the dress as long as being sick lasts? I pick being sick.

I KNEW you'd feel the same way about that dress as I do. TWIN!!!!!

Desert Songbird said...

What the hell is with that dress? Gack! I can't get that vision out of my head.

Gee, thanks, my friend.

Raven said...

I would go with the green germ (if forced to choose)... it looks less hostile than the others. Glad you outsmarted the puppy. Hope you feel better soon.

Anndi said...

Songbird: I know, the humanity! If I had to see it... hehehe!

Raven: I have a distaste of most things green.
So am I, it's like challenging a sponge.

Unknown said...

Nice work outwitting the dog. I never have jello in my fridge. I feel cheated...

Anndi said...

Heinous: Yeah, but sadly? Highlight of my week.
No jello? Naninanibooboo! And I say that because I made it myself!