Walking away is not an option... dialogue must prevail.

"A good listener tries to understand what the other person is saying. In the end he may disagree sharply, but because he disagrees, he wants to know exactly what it is he is disagreeing with."
- Kenneth A. Wells

"I do not want the peace that passeth understanding. I want the understanding which bringeth peace."
- Helen Keller

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dona Nobis Pacem - Change and Love

When this blog was started some months ago, I was making a fresh start. Leaving pain behind and carrying love and peace with me in my heart.

Over the past months, I've continued old friendships and made new ones.

I continue my journey towards love and home.

In that spirit, I repost my globe from this past June... my path is clear and remains the same.

Over the last few days we have seen some impressive rejoicing from people of all races and creeds, from all over the world as Americans have made a choice... a choice in the hopes that a change would come.

"I'd like to say, that people, people can change anything they want to.
And that means everything in the world.
Show me any country and there'll be people in it.
It's time to take the humanity back into the center of the ring and follow that for time. You know, think on that...
Without people ..... we are nothing."
-Joe Strummer

"The Future is Unwritten."
- Joe Strummer

While pregnant with my Sunshine, I listened to Bob Marley and The Wailers... a lot. And I remember dancing the belly around to this song.

One Love.


So as you go about your day, love your brothers and sisters, smile... A random act of kindness is enough to set off a chain reaction.

Now go on and visit other Peace Bloggers and say an extra special Thank You to Mimi who keeps giving us a forum to rise up.


~*~Patty S said...

Wonderful blog blast for Peace!
Sending *Peace*Love*Light* to ALL!!

Ralph said...

A beautiful family, wonderful globe, and message. As we love our own family, we instill our peace into our children's hearts. And they can pass it on.

Babies are at at a state of peace. As they grow, we can reinforce the peace. A family at peace will spread into the world. As peace begins with us.

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

sending PEACE from my blog to yours. . .

SjP said...

I'm so glad Mimi started this peace movement in the blogosphere and even happier to be a part. I'd be much obliged if you would visit Sojourner's Place on this BlogBlast for Peace Day! Let us all pray for peace because War is NOT a card game!

Bud Fisher said...

Hi Anndi-
I am happy that things are going well. Everyone deserves to be happy and it sounds that you are. It's been a while, but I could not pass up on this chance to wish you and those you love peace...and love.


j said...

You are right... Mimi deserves MUCH praise for her efforts. Your globe is great - you have a beautiful family.

I hope that you have had a peace filled day.

Mike Golch said...

great globe, great family.Peace to you and your family.Mike G. said that(It's an A.A.thing of mine)

steenky bee said...

Beautiful. I was just going to mention how upset I was at my reader and that I was ready to kick it to the curb because I haven't seen my Anndi pop up in a while. But then I come over and you have a beautiful post up, like always about peace of all things. Now I feel horrible about my ill feelings toward my reader. You are amazing, girlie.

John Holland said...

Very nicely done. Love the music.

Travis Cody said...

I think we made a good choice on Tuesday. Now we need to stand up and get to work.

Happy Peace Globes!

Michelle said...

Bob Marley is a great choice! I love John Lennon, but he's really been done to death this Peace Globe day.

Your globe is lovely and kind of pares it down to the simplest truth - we all want Peace for our own family to have a decent life.

Peace wishes to you and yours.

Charles Gramlich said...


Liz Hill said...

I love that Bob Marley song!

What a lovely message--definitely worth seeing again.

Much love

Lu' said...

Nice post cutie :)

Anonymous said...

Spreading Peace with you all.

Akelamalu said...

Beautiful post Anndi. xx

Peace to you and yours.

Mimi Lenox said...

You know how I feel about you and your family. Much love and gigantic hugs on this peaceful day...Mimi

Unknown said...

Sending Love and Peace to you and yours across the ocean, Anndi!


Desert Songbird said...

Much peace in your heart to you, my friend. I hope you make it "home" soon.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Here is hoping this is the year you get home...

Unknown said...

Fantastic post. Thank you for sharing it.