I’m sorry for the delay. I had to edit this post. I could have sworn I’d scheduled it to publish this morning. ARRRR! No wait, Talk Like a Pirate day was yesterday... So, it’s Saturday and that means...
WORDZZLE!!!! (We need a theme song, seriously)
The words Raven has pulled out of thin air for this week's 10-word challenge: budget, news, outer space, gargantuan, brass band, Purple Rose of Cairo, polar bears, insight, innovations, mute. Thanks for making it so darn easy... NOT!
Steven walks by the
brass band down the wide corridor and wishes their instruments were
mute, his head is killing him. Ahead of him is a
gargantuan door. Next to it, along the white wall is a row of chairs. The girl sitting behind the desk puts down the
news rag and motions for him to have a seat. How did he get here? He didn’t have time for this! He had to balance the budget for the
launch party his company is throwing in less than a week. Why the president of
Insight Innovations decided a restaurant named The
Purple Rose of Cairo was a good investment idea was beyond him, but then, his opinion wasn’t important. “NEXT!” booms a grave voice over an intercom. Quite frankly it’s a pleasant break from the horrible MUSAK they had playing. Seriously, David Frickin Bowie? Now he can’t stop singing Space Oddity in his head... It kind of feels like he’s Major Tom lost in
outer space. The door opens and he unconsciously looks for the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain. How did he get here? A man sits behind a desk, waiting. “Hello Steven, what’s the last thing you remember?” he asks, his hands folded in front of him. “White, that’s all I remember...” replied Steven. “Ah... you remember the
polar bears then? Welcome to Heaven.”
And now, for the wickedly fun mini challenge. This week, the words were: investments, purring, death penalty, mercury, convalescent home
Myrtle sat in her usual spot in the
convalescent home. After her heart attack, the therapist said holding a
purring cat might help ease the tension. Obviously the moron had never lost all his
investments in a bad deal on Wall Street. She looked in the drawer next to her chair and counted the thermometers. 10. “I wonder if that’s enough
mercury to kill that no good lousy stock broker nephew of mine”. Hopefully, New York State won’t enforce the
death penalty.
Don't forget to visit
Raven et al and read some fun stories. Hopefully Raven isn't regretting letting me join in again.
I love both of these. You had me going in the first one... where was he? I love the surprise of the last line. Well and cleverly done. And poor Myrtle. Very funny. Glad you joined in again.
we need a theme song!! LOL
love both too. the polar bear photo is adorable.
and I hope Myrtle gets away with it ;)
Hi Anndi, I liked them both. Story and pictures, cool. Have a good weekend, what's left of it.
Oddly clever!
Absolutely love your twisted sense of humor.
Go Myrtle go!
Cool. It seems like these would be quite a bit of work. Love the baby polar bear pic.
I thought he was going for an interview then you sprang the surprise! Both of these were great Anndi.
Raven: I'm enjoying this tremendously. Glad you liked the little twist. Myrtle's crafty, don't count her out just yet ;)
Dianne: We do! And I think Jay should do a video of it and sing... let's go ask him!
Beware of cute fuzzy polar bears, they're feisty! Steven found out. ;)
Lu: I'm glad you enjoyed. Have a great Sunday too!
Travis: Odd seems to be one of my hallmarks! It's like my signature colour!
Jeff: I knew I liked you! SMOOCH
Myrtle rocks!
Charles: Surprisingly, they're not too time consuming at all. I try not to over think them and just let the words tell me where to go.
I had received that picture in an e-mail and remembered it when I wrote the last line.
Akelamalu: I wasn't sure where he was going when I started and then it hit me. So glad you enjoyed it.
Both had an interesting twist to them.
SO maybe your signature coloUr is oddly twisted then?
I did enjoy your usage of the words and did not see the last line of the first story coming.
Bond: Thanks.
You've known I'm oddly twisted all along!
I try to use the words in a way that someone not aware of the wordzzle would get the story and not wonder where the incongruous words come from.
Hopefully, I succeed.
You succeeded in your aim - it's only when you look at the words in isolation, having read the stories, that you realise how odd they look...
Brian: Thanks! :)
That was pretty good, girl! It's not easy making up a story, especially when you have to wrap it around a word list. Kudos, to you! :)
LOL....you did it again, Anndi!
Great use of the words and a nice story! :)
I like them both. The second is quite timely. Wall Street and all. Ahhhh. Wall Street. What happened?
Both are excellent! You are quite the wordsmith my little chickadee....
Aww cute baby bear...good job on the Wordzzule
Fun...I'll go visit and try it. Hope its ok to just leave it in a comment...my blog is pretty exclusive to my usual nonsense...
Very good. I like surprise endings.
So, David Bowie is playing in God's waiting room, eh? Something to ponder...
Love your mini, too - and that photo of the baby bear is just priceless.
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