I've been ill most of the week with what seems to be the flu. My fever finally broke (and yes, I will be seeing my doctor next week). I fell into the routines that make me feel better... routines Mom started. I've carried them on with my daughter as well who has been an absolute peach this week.
I picked her up from school and when I asked her what she might like for dinner, she grinned and said: "Lipton chicken noodle soup... it always makes ME feel better when I'm sick, it'll make YOU feel better". She's a wise kid.
It got me to thinking about the extra special things Mom did for me when I was a kid.

My favourite? Apparently, there was no such thing as seedless grapes when I was growing up and Mom would cut each grape in half, remove the seeds. And when I was particularly puny, she even took the skin off. I still remember the feeling of cold and wet grape bits in the bowl.

I have no idea how or why this started, but it made me feel extra special when she did it.
One thing I love and never bother to do unless I'm sick is to have hot tea in a nice teacup. It makes me feel civilized and less icky.
Tonight's choice was Jasmine Tea complete with flower. The smell (it's nice to be able to smell!) is absolutely heavenly and the warmth soothes my throat.
"The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity"
-- Ludwig Wittgenstein
-- Ludwig Wittgenstein