... for a glass of water is life.
I'm going to save the world... with the pocket change I gather doing the laundry.

Every night before going to bed, I set a glass of water on my night stand. Just in case I wake up thirsty in the middle of the night.
Every morning, I make a pot of coffee so I can become human again or at the very least, a little less bitchy (- yes, a pot of coffee can actually do that!).
Every day, I try and drink at least two liters (roughly 8 cups) of water and other fluids as recommended by "those in the know", you know,
Every day, I send my Chicklet to school with a water bottle in case she's thirsty in class so she won't need a hall pass.
Every day, I make sure my dogs have water to drink.
And all I have to do is go to the tap in my kitchen and VOILÀ! Free water! But you see, the thing is, it's not that easy for everyone.
Globally, an estimated 125 million children under the age of five live in households without access to a safe drinking-water source. Even more people – a total of more than 2.5 billion around the world – are living without proper sanitation. (source: UNICEF)
Today is
World Water Day.
Do you know what
UNICEF can do with ONE dollar?
For one dollar, they can help supply a child with
safe drinking water for
40 DAYS! Remember Moses and the desert? 40 days seems like an eternity when you don't have water to drink...
The beauty of it is that children that have easy access to safe drinking water don't have to walk miles and miles to fetch some and that time can be better spent going to school. THIS is how we "save the world". You never know what one of those millions of children could bring to humanity if only they had the opportunity to go to school. To survive.
Have I got your attention now? Is your imagination kicking in?
"Yeah, but Anndi, what am I supposed to do with that dollar? How do I donate it?"
Excellent question!
There are a few ways to do it. No matter what country you live in you can donate directly to UNICEF,
Or... If you're planning to go out to dinner some time this week, check out The Tap Project:
In Canada: The Tap Project's
websiteIn the US: The Tap Project's
websiteand find out. The basic gist is, there are some restaurants all over the United States and Canada that have joined the cause and this week, they encourage their patrons to donate a dollar for the "free water" they normally have access to. This money is then handed over to UNICEF. Pretty cool, huh?
So today, I'll be making a donation for every free glass of water I drink.
Join me?
And, please remember to let your government know that the water we do have should be protected. Are you listening, Mr Harper?