The countdown has begun, a new year is upon us and I'm looking forward to what this new one will bring.
I realize I haven't been around much, haven't posted in a week. Sorry.
I've been contemplating what might lie round the bend for me.
I can report that I have been sleeping better and this has led to improvements on the health front. I have a feeling I had run out of power and needed to focus on nothing but recharging my batteries and spending time with the people I love.
Chicklet (the Wii lass) and I have had some much needed downtime together. I spent some time with Dad, just chillin'. I also had a few days alone to snuggle with the dogs.
I'm thrilled that for the upcoming days, I will be with my soulmate, just being.
In the New Year? I resolve to remember myself a bit more. I've sucked at that this year and I won't settle for being an after thought. I think the myth of the Superwoman has led so many of us astray, to think we can do everything and that nothing will suffer... and from experience? I can say that in the end, nothing good comes from it.
I watched my mother do it... I caught myself doing it. In time, I hope.
"I'll be able to live for myself once I get this taken care of... when I retire... when everything is done..."
But the truth is, we never know how much time we have. In the end, I want the people I love to be able to say that I was there, that I had passion, that I lived.
I'm going (ok continuing) on hiatus, in might just last a week... I don't know.
But I'll be watching, I'll keep tabs... I'll remember you.
May your eyes be filled with starsMay your heart know the Joy of Loveand may you dance in the moonlight...