Back to the topic at hand... I relish the time spent watching this show. It's a little bit of heaven for me.
I've loved dance since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. I even took tap as a little girl. It was something I did with my mother for a time. I loved it. It's still one of my absolute favourite dances to watch.
My love of dance comes from my parents. My father loved to dance, he knew how to partner. Daddy was from that long gone era where men were gentlemen and knew how to lead a woman across the dance floor. I'm certain this played a big part in Mom falling for him.
I can't tell you how I loved snuggling up to Daddy on rainy weekends to watch old Hollywood classics on public television. I was convinced my dad could have given Fred Astaire a run for his money. During those precious hours, I developed my first crushes: Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, Donald O'Connor... *sigh* I wanted to marry them.
I don't know of anyone else who can pull this off (at 2:16):
On May 27th, I got a flashback. I was sitting, feeling sad, feeling blue... and the brothers Kasprzak danced onto my TV screen. And I knew. The same way I knew when I heard Taylor Hicks sing. I had just witnessed something special. Other avid SYTYCD watchers remembered Evan (what a cutie!) from the past season when he didn't quite make the cut in Vegas. Evan channeled Gene Kelly in an outstanding number (choreographed by his big bro) and Ryan was like the second coming of Donald O'Connor.
They've made it through to the very last group. Tonight, we'll know if we'll have the privilege of watching them dance every week for what I can only hope will be a VERY long time.
I've included a little gem... Evan dancing to Ryan's choreography in a throwback little film. I giggled, swooned, oooooohed and aaaaaahed as I watched this. I hope you enjoy it. I'm betting Travis will.
"After Hours" from Jason Eberly on Vimeo.
Do yourselves a favour and click on over to go lose yourself in the awesomeness that is Ryan Kasprzak. He's a hardworking, passionate choreographer/performer who is exactly what a show like this is all about... giving an awesome talent the commercial exposure he so richly deserves in the hopes that a brand new generation of kids will discover the Happy Happy Joy Joy that is dance.